Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Super Junior and their families

Heechul's Family
 Heechul's with his Mom and Dad :) they'll be my parents in-law then kkekeke~
Heechul and his sister, Heejin ^^
Siwon's Family
 Siwon with his beloved dad :)
His sister, Jiwon :)
 his lovely mom :)
Kyuhyun's Family
 (left) Kyu with his sister Cho Ah Ra.. (right) his complete family. cool :)
Donghae's Family
ya know, i cried so bad seeing this picture. i just remembered how Donghae really loved his dad T.T
Donghwa, his brother. Seems the same, but donghae's better i guess 
Eunhyuk's Family
his sister, Lee Soo Ra. You both seemed love each other.. of course :)
I hope im his sister, lol :)
Baby hyuk and his sis ^^
Sungmin's Family
His brother, Sungjin.. Sungmin's more cute actually :)
Leeteuk's Family
Baby teukie :)
His noona.. don't know who her name is. sorry..
Yesung's Family
Jongjin.. He's handsome like his bro right? ^^
Yesung, Jongjin and Wookie
Kibum's Family
OMG~ How lucky you are, Seihee.. Having a cool brother like Kibum >.<
Hangeng's Family
Hangeng, his Mom, and i don't know her. lol :D

then.. The Sisters: (of Teukie, Heechul & Kyuhyun)